Sibeliusmuseum, Turku (Åbo), Finland

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[Without shelve number 1] [Lute solo, violin and lute, songs and lute, scales and exercises for lute and song and guitar]
[Without shelve number 2] [Song and lute , song, violin and lute]
[Without shelve number 3] [Song and lute]
[Without shelve number 4] [Song and lute]
[Without shelve number 5] [Song and lute and lute solo]
[Without shelve number 6] [Song and lute]
[Without shelve number 7] [Lute solo]

[Without shelve number 1]

Manuscript (76 fol.) containing music for lute solo, violin and lute, songs to lute accompaniment, scales and exercises for lute and some pieces for song and guitar. On the is printed in gold: "M.C.L.". Marbled paper boards with red leather back. Probably consists of several issues bound together. Fol. 41-46v is probably written by Jacob Preusmark.

Provenance: L[ars?] Lönnqvist, whose signature is on the inside of the front cover.

Dating: Early 19th century, probably 1811-1828.

Size: 28 x 23 cm.

Watermark: "D C B" [Coat of arms] [D & C Blauw?].

References: Missing.


Folio Text
1 Allegretto [lute solo]
1 Andantino [lute solo]
1 Andante [lute solo]
1v Wisa. I mit brott hvad Känsla etc. Andante [lute solo]
1v All[e]gretto [lute solo]
1v- 2 Thema con Variatione. Var: 1-3 [lute solo]
2 Arietto con Variatione. Var. [lute solo]
2v Couplett utur Nina [first performance in Sweden 1801] af Dallayrac [Nicolas Dalayrac]. Larghetto. När en älskling åter syns... [song and lute] [MT 1793:8-12]
2v-3 Couplett af Dallayrac [Nicolas Dalayrac]. Andantino. O du som af sällheten... [song and lute]
3v Aria utur Cora [first performance in Sweden 1782] af Nauman [Johann Gottlieb Naumann]. Andante. Kan jag väl min fruktan... [song and lute]
4 Aria utur Mexicaniske Systrarna [first performance in Sweden 1789] af [Joseph Martin] Kraus. Andante. Du [i] hvars oskuldsfulla blick... [song and lute] [MT 1790:23]
4v-5 Rondo utur Richard Leijonhjerta [first performance in Sweden 1791] af Grettry [André Grétry], Lilla Guden farlig är... [song and lute]
5-5v Polonaise. Var: 1-3 [lute solo]
6 Aria af [Joseph Martin] Kraus. Andante. Dröj sol uti din upgångs timma... [song and lute]
6v Andantino grazioso af [Ignaz] Pleyel. Violino. [violin part in duos for violin och lute]
7 Andantino grazioso af [Ignaz] Pleyel. Lutha [lute part in duos for violin och lute]
7v Violino
7v Rondo Allegretto [violinstämma].
8 Lutha
8-9v Rondo Allegretto [lutstämma]].
9v-11 Aria utur Cora [first performance in Sweden 1782] af Nauman [Johann Gottlieb Naumann]. Andante con espresione. Du lefver Cora... [song and lute]
11v Andantino. Hver Glaedens ven og hver dens troe... [song and lute]
11v Cantabile. Hver som hylder muntre glaeder holde... [song and lute]
12 Allegretto af [Ignaz] Pleyel [lute solo]
12 Wals af [Thomas] Byström [lute solo]
12v Andante af [Johan Fredrik] Palm. Pressa drufvan, glasen fyll... [song and lute]. [Sk IX:5, 1801]
12v Wals af Fröken Kenoi [lute solo]
12v-13 Couplet utur Fiskarena [first performance in Sweden 1798] af [Antonio Bartolomeo] Bruni. Allegretto. Jag smider och jag plöjer... [song and lute] [MT 1799:12]
13v Couplett utur Unga [Den lilla] Matrosen [first performance in Sweden 1799] [Pierre Gaveaux]. Svårare seglats man aldrig finner... [song and lute] [MT 1800:12-14]
14 Andante par [Edouard] Dupuy [lute solo]
14 Andantino Affetuoso. Välkommen o Måne! min åldrige vän... [song and zittra]
14v Scala uti G. eller Violin Clave [lute solo]
15-16 National Sång. Bevara Gud! vår Kung... [song and lute, song part only]
16v-17 National Sång: Bevara Gud vår Kung etc. [song and lute, text missing]
17 Lågdans [lute solo]
17v Allegretto Schertzando [lute solo]
17v Wisa, musik af Borg. Bacchus först war mänska... [song and lute]
18 Allegretto Schertzando [lute solo]
18v Andante con Variazioni. Var. 1-2. [lute solo]
19 Thema. Var: I mit bröst hwar känsla... [song and lute]
19v-21 Andante con Moto. Mi pizzica, mi stimola un certo non so che...[Alexis de Garaudé] [song and zittra]
21v-22v Utur Kamnels Solos. Andante con variazioni. Var 1-7. [lute solo]
23 Allegro. Jag icke någon vällust känner... [Henriette Gyllenhaal] [song and zittra] [Sk XII:10, 1804]
23 Andante [lute solo]
23 Polonoise för Zithra. Adagio.
23v-24 Polonoise [lute solo]
24 Larghetto. Vid hafvet på ensliga strand... [Olof Åhlström] [song and lute] [Sk III:1, 1795]
24 Larghetto [lute solo]
24v Allegretto [lute solo]
24v Allegretto [lute solo]
24v-25 Ich spielt als Knabe.... [song and lute]
25v-27v Midnattsång i Lappmarken [år 1799 af förf. till Voy. Pittor au Cap Nord] Andante. Från dessa fjäll... [song and lute with a simple bass part] [MT 1820:1-2]
28-29 Midnattsången i Lappmarken [af Sköldebrand] [Anders Fredrik Skjöldebrand?]. Från dessa fjäll med ögat vändt från jorden... [song and lute]
29v [blank]
30 Airs & Coupletter / Arrangés / par / Luth / par / Hr: [Johan Wilhelm] Ankar [In the left corner of the fol. is written "M.G.L"] [title-page]
30v-33 Air dans L'Opera Le Chateau de Montenero [first performance in Sweden 1805] par [Nicolas] Dalayrac. Je m'unis a ce que... [song and lute]
33v-34 Coupl. dans L'Opera Le Chateau de Montenero [first performance in Sweden 1805] par [Nicolas] Dalayrac. Oui, je dois encor esperer... [song and lute]
34v-35v La Molinara de [Giovanni] Paisiello. La Rachelina molinarina... [song and lute]
36 Andante. Voulez vous ętre heureux Amant... [song and lute]
36v-37 Coupl. utur Gubben i Bergsbygden [first performance in Sweden 1802] af [Nicolas] Dalayrac. Andante. Grafven har gömt den... [song and lute] [MT 1801:12-14]
37 Andantino. Rose d'amour par son brillant contour... [Francesco Bianchi] [song and lute]
37v-38 Coupl. utur Fatima [first performance in Sweden 1801] af [Nicolas] Dalayrac. Andante Amoroso. O! kärlek din ära skal elda min tunga... [song and lute] [MT 1801:18-21]
38 Romance. Bouton de Rose, tu serras plus heureux... [Louis-Barthélemi Pradher] [song and lute]
38v-39 Andante. Musik af [Joseph Martin] Kraus. Dröj sol uti din uppgångs timma... [song and lute]
39v Wisa. Den vackra Spinnerskan. Andante. Jag satt och spann... [song and lute]
40 Wisa. Andante Cantabile. När wid månans dystra strålar... [song and lute]
40v Skepps Farten. Andante. Jag hälsar dig fredliga flagga... [song and lute]
41 Solo / och / Sång Piecer / Lämpade / för / Lutha [title-page]
41v Moderato [lute solo]
41v-42 Andante con moto [lute solo]
42 Marche Maestoso [lute solo]
42v-43 Andante con Variatione. Var. 1-3. [lute solo]
43 Rondo Allegretto [lute solo]
43v Allemande. Var. Coda [lute solo]
44 Till Selma. Musik af [Olof] Åhlström ord af [Frans Michael] Franzén. Andantino. Här vid denna Silfver bäcken... [song and lute] [Sk I:2b, 1793]
44 Louises Graf. Musik af [Olof] Åhlström. Largo. Då månan blickar sorgsen blek... [song and lute] [Sk II:5, 1794]
44v-45 Aria utur Gustaf Wasa [first performance in Sweden1786] af Nauman [Johann Gottlieb Naumann]. Hymn. Ädla skuggor, vördade fäder... [song and lute] [MT 1802:3-4]
45v-46v Duetto utur Zauber Fleuten [first performance in Sweden 1808] af Mozard [Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart]. Moderato. Den man som utaf kärlek brinner... [song and lute] [MT 1795:9]
47 Air / utur / Operetten Carolina / eller / Den vackra Arendatorskan [first performance in Sweden 1803] / för / Röst och Lutha [Amélie Julie Candeille]
47v-48 Lento con Expressione. I känslans oförfarna dagar... [song and lute]
48v Polonoise variationer. Trio [lute solo]
49 [blank]
49v-50 Andante. Var. 1-3. [lute solo]
50-50v Andante. Var. 1-3. [lute solo]
50v Pastorale. [lute solo]
51 Allegretto [lute solo]
51 Andante [lute solo]
51 Andante [lute solo]
51v Andante. Snart är du... [song and lute, text incomplete]
51v Allegretto [lute solo]
52 Allegretto [lute solo]
52 Vals [lute solo]
52v Andante. [song and lute, text missing]
53 Polonoise [lute solo]
53 Polonoise [lute solo]
53 Cantabile [I grafvens tysta gömma] af [Olof] Åhlström. See Sk:st: XII. N:3. [Sk XII:3 1804] [song and lute]
53v-54 Ariette. Lycklig den som i sin koja lefver... [song and lute]
54v Largo. Så för blickarna försvinna... [song and lute]
55 Åtskillige Sång=Piecer / satte / för / Lutha / af / [Johan Wilhelm] Ankar [title-page]
55v-56 Coupletter utur Operetten Cendrillon [first performance in Sweden 1811] af Nicolo de Malte [Niccolo Isouard]. Andantino mosso. Jag blygsam, tyst och undergifven... [song and lute] [MT 1810:28-30]
56-56v 3. Coupletten. Den tack jag utaf dem får röna... [song and lute]
56v Romance utur Intrigen i Fönstren [first performance in Sweden 1807] af Nicolo [Niccolo] Isouard. Andantino. Ack! Du för hwilken jag skall ömma... [song and lute] [MT 1808:2-4]
57v-58 Romance af Fr[anz]: Danzi. Larghetto. Sörg icke mer.... [song and lute]
58v-59 Coupletter utur Den ondsinta Hustrun [first performance in Sweden 1808] [Jakob Bernhard Struve]. Allegretto. Jag gläder mig åt hur min man... [song and lute] [MT 1808:7-9]
59v Wisa utur Åhlströms Skaldestycken, 6te del No 24. Wisa af [Christian Friedrich] Müller]. Animée. Bröder, tag glaset och låtom oss sjunga... [song and lute] [Sk VI:14, 1797]
60 Hoppet. Romance. Andante. Du som nöjet ger en vinge.... [Olof Åhlström] [song and lute] [Sk XIII:9, 1805]
60v Affetuoso. Smakens son, behagens tärna... [song and lute]
61 [Texter]
61v De Fem Blommorna. Romance. Ibland Floras barn... [song and lute]
62-62v Coupletter utur Claudine [first performance in Sweden 1801]. Musiken af [Antonio Bartolomeo] Bruni. Allegretto con Moto. Hwad Robert är glad och rolig... [song and lute] [MT 1804:10-11]
62v-63 Sällheten. Visa. Musiken af [Lars Gustaf] Collin. Romance. Hvad den är säll... [song and lute]
63v Vaggvisa. Musik af [Georg Christoph] Grosheim. Långsamt. Slumra du lilla roligt och stilla... [song and lute]
64-64v Coupl. utur Operetten Kuluff [first performance in Sweden 1809] af [Nicolas] Dalayrac. Andante. Såg i min hydda nu i all tysthet... [song and lute]
65 Polonaise in A: Dur [lute solo]
65v-66 Romance utur Leheman [first performance in Sweden 1805] af [Nicolas] Dalayrac. En vandringsman som vilse gick... [song and lute] [MT 1805:1]
66v Visa. Andantino. En gång sa Hans till Clara... [song and lute]
67 Visa. Allegretto. [song and lute, text and melody part missing]
67v-68 Kärleken. Andantino. Lik en fjäril älskande... [song and lute]
68 Skilsmässan. Andantino. Hon nalkas den sorgliga stunden... [song and lute] [MT 1809:3]
68v-70 Recitative och Aria, utur Operan Atis [Atys] [first performance in Sweden 1784] af Piccini [Niccolo Piccinni]. Lento. Ach! Säll den yttra får... [song and lute]
70v-71 Aria utur Camilla [first performance in Sweden 1800] af D'Alayrac [Nicolas Dalayrac]. O! Gud i all min bittra smärta... [song and lute] [MT 1797:16]
71v-72 Allegretto. Donne vegne albation... [song and lute]
72v Lugnet. Andante. Långt från den makt som sväfwar... [song and lute]
73 Skilsmässan. Romance. Hon nalkas den sorgliga stunden... [song and lute] [MT 1809:3]
73v Sanft. Ich liebe dich, spracht oft mein thränend Auge... [song and zither]
74-74v Guitare. Dödlige folg, då dig nöjet hörs kalla... [song and guitar]
74v Ad[a]gio. Gråt icke lär att sakna.... [song and guitar]
75 Das Grab. Långsam. Das Grab lief und Stedte... [song and guitar]
75v Largetto eller Canzonette. Bei dem Glanze die Abend... [song and guitar]
76 Langsam. Ach sie hatte die lange Stunde... [song and guitar]

[Without shelve number 2]

Manuscript (76 fol.) containing music for song and lute , song, violin and lute. Title: "Samling / af Arier och Coupletter / Lämpade / för / Lutha". Contempoary patterned paper boards with handcut paper label. With price: 2 Rdr on fol. 1

Provenance: "Copié ā Stockholm par Jac. Preusmark 1818". "Sophie Wacklin / "Stockholm d. 12 Juli 18". Probably acquired by Sophie Wacklin between 8 July 1820 and 5 June 1824. Gift from: "R.E. Westerlunds sterbhus Juni 1932." [stamp].

Dating: 1818.

Size: 28 x 23 cm.

Watermark: "HS".

References: Missing.


Folio Text
1 Samling / af Arier och Coupletter / Lämpade / för / Lutha. / Sophie Wacklin / Stockholm d: 12 Juli 18
1v-3 Aria Barcarola Del Sigr. D. Luigi m[M]osca. Largo. Lungi dal caro bene... [song and lute]
3v Wisa. Skilsmässan. Romance. Hon nalkas den sorgliga stunden... [song and lute] [MT 1809:3]
4 Wisa. Musik af [Christoffer] Karsten. Tempo di Polonaise. Botten uti bålen djupt förborgas än... [song and lute]
4v-5 Andante. Geh cari venite cer rette... [song and lute]
5v Je quittais la montagne... [Air Savoyard] [song and lute]
6 Romance af Fr[anz] Danzi . Larghetto. Sörg icke mer... [song and lute]
6v Wisa. Lifvets Njutning. Musik af [Olof] Åhlström. Cantabile. Sörg ej den gryende dagen... song and lute] [Sk XII:8, 1804]
7 Le Petit Hussard. Allegretto. Ah, que l'amour auroit pour moi... [song and lute]
7v-8 Coupl. utur Oper:-Intrigen i fönstren [first performance in Sweden 1807] af Nicolo [Niccolo] Isouard. Andantino. Ach du för hvilken jag evigt skall ömma... [song and lute] [MT 1808:2-4]
8v-9 Romance. Adagio. Adieu Bergere cherie... [Francesco Bianchi] [song and lute]
9v-10 Wisa! Musik af Schield. Andante. En bygdens tärna sjutton år... [song and lute]
10v-11 Wisa! Sällheten. Musik af [Lars Gustaf] Collin. Romance. Hvad den är säll, som i sin egen hydda... [song and lute]
11v-14 Scena ed Aria del Sigr. [Peter] Winter. Violino. Canto. Luth. Polonaise. Dolce te soro se mi amio... [song and lute]
14v-15v Duetto utur Troll Flöjten [first performance in Sweden 1808] af [Wolfgang Amadeus] Mozart. Moderato. Den man som utaf kärlek brinner... [song and lute] [MT1795:9]
16 La Pensée. Andante. Des dons charmans que Rosée fait... [Victor Durlen] [song and lute]
16v-17 Le Revenant. Allegretto. Jeunes filles me fiez vous... [song and lute]
17v-18 Kärleken. Canto I. Canto II. Luth. Andante. Lik en fjäril älskande det sköna... [song and lute]
18v Romance par N. Gelles. Andante. A deux epoques... [song and lute] [MT 1808:18-20]
19 Der Abschied von [Wolfgang Amadeus] Mozart. Adagio. Vergiss mein nicht o Theure... [song and lute] [MT 1797:17]
19v-20 Coupl. Dans L'Opr. Le Chateau de Montenero [first performance in Sweden 1805] par D'Alayrac [Nicolas Dalayrac]. Romance. Oui je dois esperer... [song and lute]
20v-23 Air Dans L'Opr. Le Chateau de Montenero [first performance in Sweden 1805] par D'Alayrac [Nicolas Dalayrac]. Allegro Moderato. Je m'unis ā ce que j'aime... [song and lute]
23v-24 Romance utur Opr. Nina [first performance in Sweden 1801] [Nicolas Dalayrac]. Larghetto poco Amoroso. När en älskling åter syns hos en suckande älskarinna... [song and lute] [MT 1793:8-12]
24 Wiegenlied. Es landet ein fremdling... [song and lute]
24v-25 Das Wurfelspiel. Allegretto Scherzoso. Das Leben ist ein Wurfelspiel... [song and lute]
25v Die Schiffahrt. Andantino. Das waren mir selige stunden... [song and lute]
26 Andantino. Vous me quittes pour aller ā la gloire... [song and lute]
26v-27 Andantino. Glädjen lyckan munterheten löjet... [song and lute]
27v Blommans hämd. 1: Coupl. Han är det han, hvars blick mig söker... [song and lute]
28 [Blommans hämd.] 2: Coupl. Fritt som en vårdag var mitt hjerta... [song and lute]
28v-29 Romance par [Joseph Alexandre Comte de] Ségur. Ce que je desire... [song and lute]
29 Jag satt och spann, det hände sig... [song and lute]
29v Necken utur Iduna. Polonoise. Djupt i hafvet på Demant hällen... [song and lute]
30-31 af [Wolfgang Amadeus] Mozart. Allegretto. Uppå en äng en Lilje flod... [song and lute]
31v-32 Wagg-Wisa. Musik af Grossheim [Georg Christoph Grosheim]. Långsamt. Slumra du lilla roligt och stilla... [song and lute]
32v-38 Aria utur Opert. Den unga [lilla] Matrosen [first performance in Sweden 1799] af [Pierre] Gaveaux. Violino, sång, luth. Allegretto. Nej lite fjolleri förlåt!... [song and lute]
38v-39 Cupl. utur Operetten Fatima [first performance in Sweden 1801] af D'Alayrac [Nicolas Dalayrac], Andante Amoroso. O kärlek din ära skall elda min tunga... [song and lute] [MT 1801:18-21]
39v-40 Aria utur Operetten [Den avbrutna] Offerfesten [first performance in Sweden 1812] af [Peter von] Winter. Andantino. Förr lekte jag och sjöng... [song and lute] [MT 1812:26-27]
40v-41 Coupl. Utur Operetten De Begge Savoijarderna [first performance in Sweden 1794] af D'Alayrac [Nicolas Dalayrac]. Andante. Om du grann vill vara... [song and lute]
41v-42 Coupl. Utur De Begge Savoijarderna [first performance in Sweden 1794] af D'Alayrac [Nicolas Dalayrac]. Andantino. Lilla Lisa jämt satt fången... [song and lute]
42v-43 Coupl. utur Operetten Gubben i Bergsbygden [first performance in Sweden 1802] af D'Alayrac [Nicolas Dalayrac]. Allegretto. Clara mej ofta banna plär... [song and lute] [MT 1801:18-21]
43v-47 Air Utur Operetten Den Unga [lilla] Matrosen [first performance in Sweden 1799] af [Pierre] Gaveaux. Violino, sång, luth. Allegro. Bortt med Ankar och Märs och Mesan... [song and lute]
47v-49 Coupl. utur Operetten Azemia [first performance in Sweden 1793] af D'Alayrac [Nicolas Dalayrac]. Andante Con Moto. 1: Coupl. Så snart min vän.. 2: Coupl Först detta brinnande begär... [song and lute]
49v-50 Chanson de Table du Calife de Bagdad [first performance in Sweden 1803] [Franįois Adrien Boieldieu]. Por obtenir celle qu'il aime... [song and lute]
50v Le Premier Pas. Le premier pas se fait sans qu'on y pense... [song and lute]
51 Wals [lute solo]
51v-52 Krigs-Sång uti Comedien Svante Sture [1812] af [Joachim Nikolas] Eggert. Allegro Moderato. Upp bröder för konung och Fädernes-bygd... [song and lute]
52v-53 Ariette par S. Bianchi [Francesco Bianchi?]. Andante. Amor se non possio... [song and lute]
53v-54 Romance utur Comedien Berättaren [first performance in Sweden 1800] [Louis Benoît Picard]. Yngling tvinga hvart begär... [song and lute]
54v-55 Le Voyage de L'Amour et du Temos. Musique de [Jean Pierre] Solié. Allegretto. A voyager passant sa vie... [song and lute]
55v-56 Coupl. utur Operetten Kuluff [first performance in Sweden 1809] af D'Alayrac [Nicolas Dalayrac]. Andante. Jag i min hydda nu i all tysthet... [song and lute]
56v-57v Seraphimer Marche af [Georg Joseph] Vogler med varieradt Accomp. Maestoso. Capten Grak, styf och rak... [song and lute]
58 Coupl. utur Föreningen [first performance in Sweden 1815] af Du Puy [Edouard Dupuy]. Allegro Moderato. Der holdtes ting i Oelslocbye men ledigt... [song and lute]
58v-59 La Sentinelle. Allegro Moderato. L'Astre des nuits de son paisible... [Alexandre Etienne Choron?] [song and lute]
59v-60 Coupl. utur Operetten De Löjliga Mötena [first performance in Sweden 1813] af Nicolo [Niccolo] Isouard. Andante con Moto. Alla dagar såg han på mej... [song and lute]
60v-61 Romance utur Herman von Unna [1796] af [Georg Joseph] Vogler. Larghetto. Du som dignar under plågor... [song and lute]
61v-65 Duo utur Operetten Den Ondsinta Hustrun [first performance in Sweden 1808] [Jacob Bernhard Struve]. Maestoso. Ja jag så stolt marchera... [song and lute] [MT 1808:10-11]
65v-67 Recitatif och Aria utur Operan Oedip [first performance in Sweden 1800] af [Antonio] Sacchini. Recit: Du är ej mer min son... [song and lute]
67v-68 Coupl. utur Operetten Don Juan [first performance in Sweden 1813] af [Wolfgang Amadeus] Mozart. Allegretto. O, kom nu till mitt möte... [song and lute]
68v-71 Duo utur Operetten Don Juan [first performance in Sweden 1813] af [Wolfgang Amadeus] Mozart. Du bör ej fruktan bära... [song and lute]
71v-75 Air de L'Opera La Maison ā Vendre [En egendom till salu] [first performance in Sweden 1808] par D'Alayrac [Nicolas Dalayrac]. Allegretto. Fiez vous, fiez vous... [song and lute]
75v-76 Coupletter Utur Operetten Fiskaren [first performance in Sweden 1798] af [Antonio Bartolomeo] Bruni. Allegretto. Jag smider och jag plöjer... [song and lute] [MT 1799:12]
76 Bouton de Rose. Romance. Bouton de Rose tu seras plus heureux... [Louis-Barthélemi Pradher] [song and lute]

[Without shelve number 3]

Manuscript (8 fol.) containing music for song and lute. Title: "Arier och Coupletter / Lämpade / med Accompagnement / för / Lutha". Wrappers. With price: 2 RD on fol. 1.

Provenance: "Sophie Clasén. Probably acquired before 8 July 1820. Gift from: "R.E. Westerlunds sterbhus Juni 1932 [stamp]".

Dating: Early 19th century, probably 1811-1820.

Size: 28 x 23 cm. 12 6-line staffs lined by hand on each page.

Watermark: J Honig & Zoon.

References: Inga.


Folio Text
1 Arier och Coupletter / Lämpade / med / Accompagnement / för Lutha [title-page]
1v-3 Aria utur Orphé & Euridice [first performance in Sweden 1773] af Ridd. [Christoph Willibald] Gluck. Andante. Hvart går jag utan min maka... [song and lute]
3v-4 Coupletter utur Opera Comiken [first performance in Sweden 1803] af [Dominique] Della Maria. Andante. Ja jag förstår Er alt för väl... [song and lute]
4v-5 Ariette utur Fiskaren [first performance in Sweden 1798] af [Antonio Bartolomeo] Bruni. Du min Far som mig lifvet skänkt... [song and lute]
5v-6 Air utur Operetten Aline [first performance in Sweden 1811] af [Henri Montan] Berton. Allegretto. Unga flicka med ett hjerta fruckta... [song and lute] [MT 1814:19-20]
6v-7 Air utur Operetten Aline [first performance in Sweden 1811] af [Henri Montan] Berton. Moderato. Han denna yngling sett belönas... [song and lute]
7v-8 Air utur Operan Iphigenie uti Auliden [first performance in Sweden 1778] af Ridd. [Christoph Willibald] Gluck. Moderato. Farväl behåll i ständigt minne... [song and lute]
8v [blank, only lined by hand]

[Without shelve number 4]

Manuscript (23 fol.) containing music for song and lute. Title: "Arier och Coupletter / Lämpade / med / Accompagnement / för / Lutha". Dryingpaper covers with handwritten title: "Arier och Coupletter / Lämpade / med / Accompagnement / för / Lutha". With price:  5 RD:16B".

Provenance: "Copié ā Stockholm par Jac. Preusmark 1819". "Sophie Wacklin". Probably acquired by Sophie Wacklin between 8 July 1820 and 5 June 1824. Gift from: "R.E. Westerlunds sterbhus Juni 1932 [stamp]".

Dating: 1819.

Size: 28 x 23 cm. 12 6-line staffs lined by hand on each page.

Watermark: J Honig & Zoon.

References: Missing.


Folio Text
1 Arier och Coupletter / Lämpade / med / Accompagnement / för / Lutha [title-page]
1v-2 Aria uti Skapelsen Oratorium [f.f.g 1801] af Hayden [Jospeh Haydn]. 1ste Afdelningen. Allegro. Med tjusning, med tjusning skådas... [song and lute]
2v-4 Aria uti Skapelsen Oratorium [f.f.g 1801] af Hayden [Jospeh Haydn]. 1ste Afdelningen. Andante. Ren bjuder ängens friska gräs... [song and lute]
4v-6 Coupl. utur Operetten Barberaren i Sevilla [first performance in Sweden 1797] af Paesiello [Giovanni Paisiello]. Romance amoroso. Ni det befallt, jag vill min eld förklara... [song and lute]
6v-7 Coupl. uti Operetten Renaud d'Ast [first performance in Sweden 1796] af [Nicolas] Dalayrac. Andante. O du som att sällheten hinna... [song and lute]
7v-9 Aria uti Operetten [Den avbrutna] Offerfesten [first performance in Sweden 1812] af [Peter von] Winter. Andante. Åt kärlekens välde... [song and lute]
9v-13v Aria uti Operetten Azemia [first performance in Sweden 1793] af D'Alayrac [Nicolas Dalayrac]. Allegro maestoso. Hon snart skall i mitt våld som fånge öfverlämnas... [song and lute]
14-16 Romance uti Operetten Målarn och Modellerna [first performance in Sweden 1804] af Mehul [Étienne Nicolas Méhul]. Allegretto. Fast jag är i min ungdoms dar... [song and lute] [MT 1804:4-6]
16v-17 Förgät ej mig. Musik af [Wolfgang Amadeus] Mozart. Moderato con espressioni. Förgät ej mig... [song and lute] [MT 1797:17]
17v-18 Romance vid Ruinerna af Brahehus. Musik af C. Preumaijr [Conrad Preumayr?]. Andante. Tyst och häpen vandringsmannen går... [song and lute]
18v-20v Jägare-Wisa. Tempo di Polonoise. Förgäfves Björnen mot mig ryter... [song and lute]
21 Musik af DuPuy [Edouard Dupuy] [Testamentet] Moderato. Milda heliga natur... [song and lute]
21v-22 Coupl. uti Oper. En Timmas Ägtenskap [first performance in Sweden 1809] af D'Alayrac [Nicolas Dalayrac]. Andante. En vacker dag hvad oförtänkt... [song and lute] [MT 1810:1]
22v-23 So hab ich Wirklich dich verloren?... [song and lute]
23v [blank, only lined by hand]

[Without shelve number 5]

Manuscript (34 fol.) containing music for song and lute and lute solo. Drying paper covers with handwritten title: "Diverse / Musik Piecer / Lämpade / med / Accompagnement / för / Lutha". With price: 12 RD 44B on fol. 1.

Provenance: "Copié ā Stockholm par Jac. Preusmark 1818"."Sophie Wacklin".

Dating: 1818.

Size: 28 x 23 cm. 12 6-line staffs lined by hand on each page.

Watermark: J Honig & Zoon.

References: Missing.


Folio Text
1 Diverse / Musik Piecer / Lämpade / med / Accompagnement / för / Lutha [title-page]
1v Coupl. uti Operetn. Nunnorna [first performance in Sweden 1794] af Devenienne [Franįois Devienne] [1 Coupl.] Ur det lugn min oskuld vunnit... [song and lute]
2 [Coupl. uti Operetn. Nunnorna af Franįois Devienne] [first performance in Sweden 1794] 2dra Coupl. Du som dyrkas af mitt hjerta... [song and lute]
2v-3 [Coupl. uti Operetn. Nunnorna af Franįois Devienne] [first performance in Sweden 1794] 3dje Coupl. Snart skola Nunnornas dyra lagar... [song and lute]
3v-4 Air uti Operan Cora och Alonzo [first performance in Sweden 1782] af Nauman [Johann Gottlieb Naumann]. Kan jag väl min frugtan qväfva... [song and lute]
4v-6 Coupl. du Nouveau Seigneur de Village [Den nya egendomsherren] [first performance in Sweden 1818]. Musique de [Franįois Adrien Esprit] Boieldieu. 1r-Coupl. Oh vous avez des droits superbes... [song and lute]
4v-6 [Coupl. du Nouveau Seigneur de Village. Musique de Franįois Adrien Esprit Boieldieu] 1r-2me Coupl. Attendez j'oubliois encore... [song and lute]
5v-6 [Coupl. du Nouveau Seigneur de Village. Musique de Franįois Adrien Esprit Boieldieu.] 3me Coupl. Oui c'est un brillant avantage... [song and lute]
6v Air uti Herman von Unna [1796] af [Georg Joseph] Vogler. Andante. Du hvars blickar glädjen tänder... [song and lute]
6v-7 Så långt de höga Alperne... [Alfredsvisan] [song and lute]
7 Uti Opertn. Sweizer Familien [Den schweiziska familjen] [first performance in Sweden 1815] [Jospeh Weigl]. Walz. Trio. [lute solo]
7v Andantino. Rose d'amour par son brillant contour... [song and lute]
8 Romance de L'Opera Ariodant [first performance in Sweden 1808] af Mehul [Étienne Nicolas Méhul]. Prélude [lute solo]
8v [Romance de L'Opera Ariodant af Étienne Nicolas Méhul] [first performance in Sweden 1808]. 1er Coupl. Femme sensible entends tu le ramage... [song and lute]
9 [Romance de L'Opera Ariodant af Étienne Nicolas Méhul] [first performance in Sweden 1808]. 2me Coupl. Vois tu ces fleurs... [song and lute]
9v-10 [Romance de L'Opera Ariodant af Étienne Nicolas Méhul] [first performance in Sweden 1808]. 3me Coupl. Morriens charmans d'amour... [song and lute]
10v-11v Airs der Oper La Molinare von [Giovanni] Paisiello. Cavatina Andante. Sittsam vollzagen komm ich gegangen... [song and lute]
12 Wisa. Hoppet. Romance. Du som nöjet ger en vinge... [Olof Åhlström] [song and lute] [Sk XIII:9, 1805]
12v-13v Aria uti Operetten Troll-Flöjten [first performance in Sweden 1808] af [Wolfgang Amadeus] Mozart. Andante. Stark är O! Flöjt din tjusning... [song and lute]
14 Wisa! De Fem Blommorna. Romance. Ibland Floras barn jag valde Fem... [song and lute]
14v-15 Coupl. uti Opertn. Wattendragaren [first performance in Sweden 1804], af [Luigi] Cherubini]. Romance Andantino con moto. Det var en liten Savojar... [song and lute]
15v-18 Coupl. uti Wattendragaren [first performance in Sweden 1804], af [Luigi] Cherubini]. Allegro. Himla försyn... [song and lute] [MT 1804:7-9]
18v-19 Aria uti Opertn. Eremiten [first performance in Sweden 1798] af Muller [Christian Friedrich Müller m.fl]. Maestoso. Om styrkan mig har lemnat... [song and lute] [MT 1798:1]
19v Romance Plaintive. Andante. Ah! s'il est dans votre village... [song and lute]
20 Coupletes. Mouvement de Marche. Maestoso. Gaston! le sort de la patrie... [song and lute]
20v-22v Aria uti Operan Aedip [first performance in Sweden 1800] af [Antonio] Sacchini. Du som fordom burit en krona... [song and lute]
23 Romance. [Drottning Hortense av Holland] Från Rom med korsets fana... [song and lute]
23v-24 Abend-Staendchen. Allegretto. Still und ler ist's auf den Strassen... [song and lute]
24v Die Geliebte. Allegretto. Ja meines Liebchens Augen... [song and lute]
25 Romance par [Franįois Adrien Esprit] Boieldieu. Amoroso. S'il est vrai que d'ętre deux... [song and lute]
25v-26 Allegretto. Men odorosa e questa rosa... [song and lute]
26v-27 Larghetto. Che pretendi ingrata sorte... [song and lute]
27v-28 Andante. Non rida d'amore... [song and lute]
28v-29 Andantino. Quel volto amabile... [song and lute]
29v-30 Notturno. Duetto. Canto I-II. Andante Amoroso. Aurette che placide... [song and lute]
30v Les Occupations d'une Jeune Fille. En exigant avec rigueur... [song and lute]
31 Il n'est plus la Paroles Mr. de [Joseph Alexandre Comte] de Ségur. Musique par [Giuseppe Marco Maria Felice] Blangini. Romance. Autrefois tout dans la nature... [song and lute]
31v-32 La Confession. Maestoso. Ma fille avec componetion... [song and lute]
32v Lifvets vår och Höst. Andantino. För'n Rosens blad i morgon kanske falla... [song and lute] [MT1810:9-10]
33 Allegretto. Ingrid hon gick sig uti bygden... [song and lute]
33v L'Amour Sentimental. Con Espres. Auprčs de toi!... [song and lute]
34 Romance. Quand tu m'aimais... [song and lute]
34v [blank, only lined by hand]

[Without shelve number 6]

Manuscript (15 fol.) containing music for song and lute. Title: "Skalde Stycken / Satte i Musik. / Lämpade / för / Lutha ". Wrappers. With price: 4 RDaler 24 Skilling

Provenance: "Sophie Clasén". Probably acquired before 8 July 1820. Gift from: "R.E. Westerlunds sterbhus Juni 1932." [stamp]. Written by a professional copyist.

Dating: Early 19th century, probably 1804-1820.

Size: 28 x 23 cm.

Watermark: D & C Blauw.

References: Inga.


Folio Text
1 Skalde Stycken / Satte i Musik. / Lämpade / för / Lutha [title-page]
1v-2 af [Christoph Willibald] Gluck. Moderato. Jag minns den ljufva tiden... [song and lute]
2 Den fattiga Modern. Melodie af [Olof] Åhlström. Sof min söta gosse... [song and lute] [Sk III:5, 1795]
2v-3 Allegretto. Snart är din ungdoms tid förfluten... [song and lute]
3v Andante. En gång sa Hans till Clara... [song and lute]
4 Canzonetta. Andante. Banna icke min bästa mamma... [song and lute]
4v-5 Aria utur Richard Leijonhjerta [first performance in Sweden 1791] af Gretry [André Grétry]. Andantino. Lilla Guden farlig är... [song and lute]
5v De små. Melodi af [Olof] Åhlström. Allegretto. Vet söta Pappa!... [song and lute] [Sk IV:11, 1796]
6 Menniskans anlete, Ode till Selma. Melodi af [Olof] Åhlström. Andantino. Redan han sin Purpur slöja... [song and lute] [Sk I:7, 1793]
6v Wisa efter Rahbeck. Melodi af [Carl Erik] Gleisman. Allegro ma non troppo. Syrac vill en sats försvara... [song and lute] [Sk IV:3,, 1796]
7 Visa. Musik af [Olof] Åhlström. Allegretto. Mer lycklig än Kresus de Lydiers kung... [song and lute] [Sk XI:4, 1803]
7v Andante. Magister mal båd dag och natt... [lute solo, song and luteckompanjemang] [Olof Åhlström] [Sk V:2, 1796]
8 Den fattiga Flickan. Melodi af [Carl Erik] Gleisman. Pastorale. Rätt nu af mina blomningsdar... [lute solo, song with lute accompaniment] [Sk V:6, 1796]
8v Contrasten. Melodi af [Johan Fredrik] Palm. Andante. Hilda sväfvar lätt... [lute solo, song with lute accompaniment] [Sk V:15, 1796]
9 Toilletten. Musik af [Olof] Åhlström. Allegro ma non troppo. Hurtigt poudre kappan fram... [song and lute] [Sk VII:3, 1798]
9 Mirza musik af [Olof] Åhlström. Allegretto. Jag slog puder i mitt hår... [song and ] [Sk VII:10, 1798]
9v Sällskaps Sång. Melodi af Himmer. Lätt mjältsjuka lasta den jord vi bebo... [lute solo, song with lute accompaniment] [Sk V:16, 1796]
10 Dryckes visa ord och musik af Grefvinnan [Charlotte] Cederström. Det är ej värt att nöta borrt i qvall... [song and lute] [MT 1802:26]
10v-11 Enkans visa. musik af [Olof] Åhlström. Andante. Ensam i min lilla koja... Varieradt Accompag.nt. 3die Accompag.nt [song and lute] [Sk VII:1, 1798]
11v Melodi af Muller [Christian Friedrich Müller]. Cantabile. I som tömmen bägaren... [song and lute] [Sk VI:3, 1797]
12 Champagne vinet. musik af [Olof] Åhlström. ord af Franzén. Andante. Drick, de förflyga de susande perlorna... [song and lute] [Sk XII:12, 1804]
12v Utur Fiskaren [first performance in Sweden 1798] [Antonio Bartolomeo Bruni]. Allegretto. Jag smider och jag plöjer... [song and lute] [MT 1799:12]
13 Bond visa. musik af Stenman. Polonoise. Mor satt i spisen... 1 Accomp. 2 Accomp. [song and lute]
13v-14 Sällheten af [Axel Gabriel] Silfverstolpe. melod: af [Olof] Åhlström. Menar du min bror... [lute solo, song and luteckompanjemang] [Sk II:6, 1794]
14v Visa. melodien af [Johan David] Zander. Poesien af Sparrsköld. Allegretto. Jag är lycklig mina bröder... [lute solo, song with lute accompaniment] [Sk II:9, 1794]
14v-15 Ode till Sälheten. Melodie af [Olof] Åhlström. Moderato. Du med trängtande rop... [song and lute] [Sk II:16, 1794]
15 Visa musik af [Johan Fredrik] Palm. Prässa drufvan Glaset fyll... [song and lute] [Sk IX:5, 1801]
15v [blank, only lined by hand]

[Without shelve number 7]

Manuscript (8 fol.) containing music for lute solo. Title: "Solo Piecer / för / Lutha".  Drying paper wrappers. The manuscript has partly the same content as Music Museum, Samlingar Luta [without shelve number 8] and The Music Library of Sweden, Luta b10.

Provenance: "Copié ā Stockholm par Jac. Preusmark 1818". "Sophie Clasén". Probably acquired before 8 July 1820.

Dating: 1818.

Size: 28 x 23 cm.

Watermark: J Honig & Zoon.

References: Inga.


Folio Text
1 Solo Piecer / för / Lutha [title-page]
1v-2 Entre-Acte till Opr. Målarn och Modellerna [first performance in Sweden 1804] af [Étienne Nicolas] Méhul. Allegretto. [lute solo]
2v-4 Polonoise af Möller [Christian Friedrich Müller?] [lute solo]
4v-5 Larghetto con Variatiooni. Var. I-IV [lute solo]
5v Bond-Bröllop [Johan Wilhelm Ankar?]. Polonoise Moderato. Prästen dansar med Bruden [lute solo]
5v [Bond-Bröllop] Plus Animé. Var. I. Bruden och brudgummen [lute solo]
5v [Bond-Bröllop] Grave. Var. II. Svärfar och Svärmmor [lute solo]
6 [Bond-Bröllop] Allegretto. Var. III. Brud-Pigorna [lute solo]
6 [Bond-Bröllop] Piu Allegro. Var. IV. Brud-Riddarne [lute solo]
6 [Bond-Bröllop] Tempo Imo. Var. V. Hela Bröllops Skaran [lute solo]
6v-8 Tempo di Walz. [Ach du lieber Augustin...] Var. I-IX. [lute solo]

Š Kenneth Sparr